Curing the genophage. In both scenarios, Mordin is the one who is on the verge of dying. Curing the genophage

 In both scenarios, Mordin is the one who is on the verge of dyingCuring the genophage  So hear me out

Padok Wiks is the salarian STG base commander on Sur'Kesh. This starts Act 2 of the game and this is the best way to do all the DLC in this section of the game. Curing the Genophage with Wrex and Eve in charge paints a bright picture. And that's the best case scenario, curing the genophage with Wreav in charge all but guarantees Krogan conquest of a badly weakened and depopulated galaxy. The turian team that crashed on Tuchanka was trying to prevent Cerberus from detonating a bomb that would cause massive casualties on the planet. It could lead to. Wreav would not only fail to keep the krogan in check, he would outright encourage retaliation. Cure the genophage all you want, it can't do any harm. My last playthrough was a while ago, so. Do the Turian platoon mission then Thessia followed by Horizon and the bomb mission will still be available. The paragon option for justifying the sabotage sums it up pretty well - Wreav wouldn't give. Reputation has replaced it. Unless the player imports a save where Mordin died in Mass Effect 2, Mordin will appear on Sur'Kesh, where Shepard arrives seeking the cure for the Genophage to secure an alliance with the krogan. Jared (Wrex's father) only cared about becoming the strongest Krogan alive and many shared his vision. Especially if Wrex's brother Urdnot Wreav is in charge. Mordin also seems to come to this conclusion as well. Basically, its purpose was to infect the Krogan with a genetic mutation lowering considerably the Race probability of viable pregnancies. Painful to watch this guy get shot even if he isn't Morido. The genophage is a solution to the problem, but it was poorly made because of the time crunch it was developed in, the resulting stillbirth effect causing significant emotional distress to krogan. Shepard must accompany Eve, Mordin and either Wrex or Wreav to Tuchanka and spread the cure for the genophage through the Shroud. If the Crucible doesn't deliver as we hope it will and the fight turns into a centuries-spanning slugfest, then having a booming krogan. The Geth/Quarian dispute will give you more if you can get them to co-exist. And yes Mordin will cure the genophage if you're renegade. Now while I do remember the. Wreavs is in command: Well, screw the krogans. . However, on our way back, we'. . Krogan Mercenaries: if you cure the Genophage with Wreav as leader instead of Wrex, you get this (75 War Assets) Urdnot Wreav: if Wrex was killed on Virmire in ME1 , Wreav replaces him as a war. Make sure all of them are delivered to the Citadel and all side quests are complete before even. I agree with curing the Genophage too. Maelon Heplorn is a salarian geneticist, former operative of the Special Tasks Group, and former student of Mordin Solus. 1) The Genophage: Before embarking on the mission to cure the genophage, the Salarian Diatriss will ask you to sabotage the cure. Not enough Renegade for the third choice!Both letting him cure the genophage and then killing Wiks. 2) - Wrex Alive. The cured krogan led by Wreav would be a disaster for the galaxy. Or B the council was able to give the Krogans a cure to the Genophage prior to their departure. That said yes, there's no meaningful justification for curing the Genophage which isn't either hopelessly optimistic or Krogan dominion propaganda. Everything. The most straightforward, no matter who is alive, you cure the genophage, Mordin will die, Wrex lives, and you get Krogan support but not Salarian. However, Wrex (or Wreav) is convinced that curing it is required to complete the treaty between the krogan and the. Charm/Intimidate options for which you don't have sufficient reputation are shown in grey, because you cannot select them. Eve doesn't go among her people with Wreav like she does with Wrex after the cure. Never heard of anyone curing Genophage with Wreav alive. ReplyKieken rescued Ashley on Virmire, leaving Kaidan behind to die. After all of ME1 and all the time played ME2, Woolie was pro-Krogan and full fuck the Genophage. By KBABZ , IGN-GameGuides , Jason Burton , +5. Op ·. By curing the genophage, Shepard secures krogan allegiance, and makes it possible for them to continue supplying troops without fear of wiping out the whole race. On the other hand you're letting wreave, a scumbag, pretty much rule the krogan clan. 2. “Cured the Genophage. So, the other day I was defending renegade Shepards action, and I made an argument against curing the genophage. Wrex is furious that Captain Kirrahe wants to destroy the cure. Curing the Genophage seems the morally correct choice in the small picture, but doing it seems to doom the Galaxy to more war in the bigger picture. Some details are unveiled in the updated epilogue. The only way to keep Eve alive is to complete Old Blood on an imported character, and save the data. I'm convinced majority of people make either choice purely based on whether Legion or Wrex is alive. RELATED: Mass Effect 2: 10 Things You Didn't Know About The Game's Development. KekeBl • 2 yr. 4) - Wreav in charge of Krogan. Just like making peace between Geth and Quarians should almost guarantee a synthetic race doesn’t. My last playthrough was a while ago, so. If Wrex is alive use the cure, if Wrex is dead and Wreav is the leader do not use the cure. That is the ultimate goal, the krogan are but a means to an end in the big scope. The shroud then explodes, killing Mordin. However, his previous career had him involved with uplifting lesser species. Either way, playing the missions without your friends alive, makes the choices very easy. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. He acted as if he knew best to the point he killed Wrex by Ashley. The genophage is so well written. Finally, if. If you want to outsmart the krogan and do that without any immediate losses, then you must choose the lower right. The key point is that the genophage cure was only released on Tuchanka. My advice is treat all major side missions as priority. Option 1: If Wrex is the Krogan leader, then you cannot persuade Mordin to walk away and trick the Krogan. If the krogan don't have sensible and stable leaders to help them transition into a more peaceful race, the genophage IS a good thing on balance. Curing the genophage means salarians involvement is significantly reduced, they still help if you save their councillor but they don't send their entire fleet, especially not their fleet of stealth dreadnoughts. Mordin is deeply driven by guilt rather than logic. Cutscenes without any player commentary to give the full narrative experience of BioWare's Mass Effect Legendary Edition. You sabotage the cure, you will be forced to shoot Mordin, and you must kill Wrex afterwards. Share. Also, Mordin will sacrifice himself during the dispersal of the Genophage cure, or you (Shepard) will kill him. During Mass Effect 3’s main story mission “Priority: Tuchanka,” Mordin will need to stay behind in the exploding Shroud tower in order to successfully disperse a cure for the Genophage. spoilers. Krogan’s problems were always internal governance, they could have done well enough with the Genophage, but precisely because the Genophage was done, their attentions were turned toward the Genophage instead of on themselves. shall_2 • 10 yr. So hear me out. There are 8370 total War Assets available in the game without downloadable content, but this number cannot be reached as it includes War Assets that are restricted to specific outcomes of player decisions, including saving Kaidan Alenko or Ashley Williams, saving or sacrificing the Citadel Council, and spreading or sabotaging the genophage cure. Land on Tuchanka and help the turian platoon stop Cerberus. Rachni were an unstoppable force of nature and Krogan were the “fighting fire with fire solution” that backfired magnificently. 20 votes, 20 comments. Kelly Chambers will tell you that Mordin wants to speak with you in the Tech Lab. Honestly, had he continued to argue for it in ME3, I would have found curing the genophage a difficult decision. That conversation doesn't have Shepard agreeing to work with her and sabotage the cure, it simply has Shepard confirming that's what she's offering. ago. I know it's not an issue if you do it after gameplay-wise (so long as the two missions are done in quick succession and before Priority: Thessia), but I've only. Prior to that, the genophage was definitely a good idea on paper, provided Mordin's account of its efficacy and purpose is accurate. Looking at things logically though, the Genophage is probably necessary. The genophage wasn't used as a genocide. Subscribe to Premium to Remove Ads 3) If you told Eve on the second chance, you can only now sabotage the experiment by killing the Salarian doctor. In the long term, curing the Genophage introduces an instability in the form of a quickly rising revisionist power among species weakened by the war. So hear me out. When you break it down into. Furthermore, if you did not cure the genophage, Wrex will eventually find out and confront you during Priority: The Citadel III, leading to his death and a diminishing of the krogan's military strength. Yes, a different doctor will replace [email protected] This is the easiest way to play this: right after curing the genophage you are summoned back to the citadel to find out that Cerberus is attacking it. Wrex is highly intelligent, and will figure it out. Mordin has a moral character best described as. On the surface it sounds monstrous, but when you hear the accounts of the war you realize it's not so cut and dry. 20 45 comments Best TongZiDan • 3 yr. If Wrex is alive then while he may believe it at first, he ends up finding out that you betrayed him later in the game, and you lose the krogan support. But. When Commander Shepard and Mordin discover Maelon was killing test subjects to find a cure under his own free will. During the genophage cure mission, when you have to choose between sabotaging the cure, or making it work for real. Tuchanka's clans have hunkered down on their homeworld, determined to defend themselves while watching the. Mass Effect 3 presents the potential for unique circumstances for making curing the genophage a good idea, provided the player prepared for it with their previous actions. The Captain is worried about Wrex's state of mind and doesn't want to continue if Wrex is going to be a problem. After discovering that the cure for the genophage was sabotaged, Urdnot Wrex angrily ordered the krogan to withdraw support from Shepard's forces. And would surely destroy themselves or everyone else. Either way, the Krogan could be on the war march once again in Mass Effect 4, whether Mordin Solus died curing the genophage or not. and then to this game of course) where:-(SPOILERS)-----You killed Wrex on Virmire when you had that argument over the genophage cure. Report Save. When you assault the base, you encounter a krogan scientist by the name of Dr. Take this note to the assistant on the Citadel (by the Meridian Place shop). Curing the genophage, according to The Gamer, is a choice that could mean you'll lose either Salarian or Krogan help against the Reapers. ”Sabotaging the cure imo is the overall best option. It's kind of messed up. This is just as you start the mission. Mass Effect 3 - Priority: Tuchanka Walkthrough. Once the dust settles and a new krogan political structure is in place though, if it is a promising one like Wrex and Bakara, then Mordin and the. All of this is merely a list of reasons why the genophage must be cured in ME3. However, if Wrex is dead (I've never done this before, I could never bring myself to kill Wrex), and Wreav is in charge of the Krogan instead, not curing the Genophage is seen as a more logical thing to do. Personally, I would be happy to cure the genophage but also remove Krogan from galactic society and return them all to Tuchanka. The genophage was the right choice, and curing the genophage was the right choice. The difference between the Krogan when the genophage was implemented and the Krogan at the time of choice to cure it is 1,500 years of the genophage. If Wrex is alive then yes curing the gonophage is ultimately more assets. You can also access the journal. In order to keep Mordin alive, you need to have 1) Not saved Maelon's data in ME2, and 2) Urdnot Wreav must be the leader of the Krogans (that is, Wrex must have died on Virmire in ME1). I remember reading someone arguing against curing the genophage on the basis that each Krogan mother would have 1000 kids at a time and swamp the galaxy with their numbers. As tenuous as it is with Wrex in charge, I still see the Genophage as easily worth curing and the Krogan definitely worth redemption. I did a full renegade on Wreav and Mordin lived, best decision ever. I think curing the genophage is the right thing for two reasons: 1) Ethically speaking, righting the wrong of extreme biological terrorism is a no-brainer, and it’s the only way to respect the rights of Krogans as sentient beings. The extended cut ending showing the Krogan focusing on rebuilding and caring for their young. You cure the genophage and the Krogan take measures themselves to limit population growth by either essentially re-genophaging themselves, or executing their own people once they reach a certain age. In Mass Effect, the Krogans are a particularly nasty and durable species known for decimating planets and reproducing at a whopping rate. So hear me out. Realistically without the genophage cure the krogan as a species would likely not have survived to see life after the Reapers even if their sacrifices had led to the war being won. Take a harsher stance on Krogan crime, and just butcher the Bloodpack. I think the renegade (lots of salarian) gives you more points. By choosing to cure the Genophage, you can gain up to 475 points in War Assets with the Krogans compared to the paltry 150 points in War Assets from the Salarian’s First Fleet. Help the animals of Greece:the bulk of the main story, Priority Missions are where characters always have unique and in-depth dialogue depending on who you bring and the situation. You still cure the genophage, but the female krogan dies after you cure it. It takes time for krogan to grow just like any other race, so defeating the reapers now while having to wait like 2 decades for new krogan to grow doesn't seem like such a bad deal. Synthesis would make the Krogan more empathetic to the concerns of other races and prevent them from aggression against them. This is because of the concept of a caged or abused animal acting more barbaric. Saren used his influence in Binary-Helix to obtain the Genophage cure and had Binary-Helix tell the aforementioned Krogan group that there was no results, when in fact, there was, and the Krogan group (rightfully) sued Binary Helix for fraud, and now Saren is no using the Genophage cure to both build a Krogan army, and as bait to make. Now, when I thought about it more, I think its extremely naive and risky to cure the genophage (according to LE stats around 90% of players cured the genophage). . In ME3 the ONLY thing that makes curing the Genophage seem like a good idea is the existence of Eve and Wrex. UPDATED (if genophage cure is sabotaged and Wrex rules Clan Urdnot) Military Strength:-30. It was a war decision but hundreds of years later the krogan deserve reparations. Given that reversing the genophage will increase krogan fertility by a factor of 1000, doing so it plainly insane. As I've said, curing the genophage isn't a 100% good choice either, because we put all our trust in Wrex and Eve, but if there is a coup and someone takes power that shares the same ambitions as Wreav, then the galaxy could be taken over by the Krogans in a few hundred years. Curing the genophage with Wreav in charge essentially guarantees that all of the salarians' concerns about the krogan receiving a cure will come to fruition. Mass Effect: Legendary Edition is available now for PC, PS4. Option B seems unlikely as some of the Council weren't too crazy about curing the Genophage to begin with and a Krogan rebellion would be devastating to the new Andromeda colonist. My last playthrough was a while ago, so. Games: Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, KOTOR, Baldur's Gate, Jade Empire, Mass Effect Andromeda, SWTOR Origin: SwobyJ Posts: 1,769 Likes: 1,483 The Genophage Mar 18, 2017 5. Krogan are useful ground troops that will help relieve the pressure off. So, the other day I was defending renegade Shepards action, and I made an argument against curing the genophage. Destroy the data for now. Tolen at the STG base in me3 25 from Mordin if you persuade him that curing the genophage is a bad idea with Wreav in charge and Eve dead 150 from sabotaging the cure and 8 from a Salarian side. If Mordin dies, you get to see Padok Wiks' face as he imagines Krogan sex. Wreav only sees her as a tool to his agenda. My last playthrough was a while ago, so. If Mordin and Wrex are there in ME3, you can't help but think that curing the genophage is the right thing to do, but if Mordin is not there and if Wreav is the leader than the whole outlook changes. The quest to bring Eve and Mordin to The Shroud in order to possibly cure the genophage and free the Krogans from their certain doom as a race is easily one of the most memorable in the game. Sure Wrex figures out the trickery, but that's not something that could have been anticipated beforehand. If the Turian platoon mission is done, up to 2 missions can be completed and still able to do the bomb mission otherwise the bomb goes boom if a third mission is. Mass Effect 3 places many choices in the hands of the player, though few have as major an aftermath as whether or not to cure the Genophage. I'm trying to make a walkthrough and I'm looking for input about whether it makes more story sense to do Priority: Turian Platoon (and subsequently Tuchanka: Bomb) before or after Priority: Tuchanka. 6. The genophage is such a superb idea which provides for wonderful world building - a galaxy that existed before Sheperd, an…So, the other day I was defending renegade Shepards action, and I made an argument against curing the genophage. Without Maelon's data, Mordin is unable to effectively counteract the immunodeficiency that is a side effect of the experimental Genophage cure to which Eve was exposed. Problem is if you didn't cure the genophage then the krogan would probably never help council/alliance forces again (and look how much everyone needed them when the reapers & rachni came). Cure/Not cure won't make that much difference in the end, so it's up to you. level 2. You don't cure the genophage. making a long term decision based on how much good will you can get in the present is not a good way to go. Wrex finds out you lied to him. From the mass effect wiki. 26. Curing Genophage and freeing rachni queen are two timebombs waiting to happen. If Mordin Solus did not survive the events of the Collector Attacks, Wiks assumes his role in the missions on Sur'Kesh and on Tuchanka. Shepard's alliance between the Turians and the Krogan is almost complete, but first they must traverse. This all adds up to a race that could easily. Curing the genophage is supposed to be the good thing, the RIGHT thing, to do. Arguments over whether Eve can lead them down a better path or not, or if Wrex or Wreav being in charge makes a difference, these arguments are all moot. Honestly cure the Genophage. Having them on the ground is a useful short-term bonus as well, but in tactical. . You sabotage the genophage. And you come in here thinking you have that certified badge. Also during the misson you never actually explore the labs where they held the Genophage cure just growing vats. Leviathan and Citadel before the atack on Cronos station. Morally speaking, curing the Genophage is probably the right thing to do. 1) - Wrex Alive. Chat blew up, it was bad, it was talked about on the podcast, Woolie overthinked himself into thinking that was what the game wanted him to do. . The new Genophage would be much less susceptible to adaptation than the old one, and the Krogan would have much more difficulty overcoming it. Nah someone did a great breakdown on mordin overall on YouTube. The order and times in which I do the DLCs are this: 1) From Ashes - after picking up Garrus and Victus from Palavan. So hear me out. When I was making the decision, I was weighing gaining the support of Salarians versus having to trick a friend.